What's New?
To be honest, I've been in one hell of a writing slump. I have books, numerous books in fact, that I haven't bothered to finish, haven't been able to do much more than read through. So, I moved off in another direction hoping for some inspiration to get me back into the writing mode.
I've been taking online courses on children's writing, blogging, social media & advertising. So far I've learned quite a bit, but more so, I've learned a lot about myself and who I am and who I want to be. I've discovered that I do have the heart of a writer, I have stories to tell, characters screaming to me at all hours and I've been ignoring them all. Well, not anymore.
One thing I did, in particular, that has inspired me most was changing my logo. Bringing it up to date, giving it a fresh new life has given me much-needed incentive. Special thanks to my cover designer Karrie Jax.
In the works is a children's book. I am collaborating with my son Ethan on this one and he will be illustrating it. In fact, the story is about a character that he created back in high school. It's an adorable little being and it hangs in a frame on my wall, has for years. He gives me great inspiration.
Along with the children's book, I am working on finishing up 'Tongue & Groove' as well as 'Manny' and hoping to publish them all by fall 2020.
And that's just a little of what's going on in my world. Thanks for hanging in there and not giving up on me. I'd love to hear from you, drop me a line or leave a brief message here.
Love you!